Fatal Mistakes

It may seem insensitive to say, but the truth is that any president in modern history, other than the current one, would have benefited politically from the Coronavirus pandemic. An odd feature of great national disasters is that they give politicians an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to lead. Barack Obama benefited from his handling... Continue Reading →

Zero Hour

Open Mind

We talk about climate change, about how necessary it is to do something about it. That’s important, and I commend all of us who do.

But there’s a group of kids who are going to march on Washington to press the issue. They need our help. Anything you can do will go a lot further than you might expect.

Because this is zero hour. They need our help. Let’s not fail them.

One thing you can do is publicize. If you have a blog, post about it. If you’re on twitter, tweet about it. I suggest the hashtag “#zerohour”

Don’t just do it today. That will make people think “good for ’em!” Then they’ll forget. Tweet about it every day. The march is set for July 21st, so tweet about it at least 10 times — at least once every day. Get your twitter friends to do the…

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My father didn't quite make it into the 21st century. He died in 1996, at the age of 90. We didn't always get along. He was a pragmatist, and I was more or less an idealist in those days. Dad had no problem with shading the truth a bit when it was necessary for making... Continue Reading →

Art Speaks

I met Dan Stallsworth in 1974. I had trouble understanding him, his speech distorted by the random muscle twitches and spasms symptomatic of his disability. His whole life has entailed a struggle to communicate. In his first few days at the United Cerebral Palsy Center (a school and sheltered workshop), he was placed into the... Continue Reading →

Climate Review: 2017

I've decided to expand my annual Arctic sea ice review to include a general climate summary, and do it in January so I can include end of year data. After a record low maximum sea ice extent last winter, the Arctic saw a low minimum ice volume in September, but not a record. It was the... Continue Reading →

Free Speech Cake

How is refusing to sell cakes for same-sex weddings different from refusing to serve mixed-race couples? The petitioners in Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd, v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission would have us believe that creating a wedding cake can be an expression of free speech, and as such is constitutionally protected. In other words, the cake creator... Continue Reading →

Winning With Constructive Dialogue

Winning Sometimes the universe throws coincidences in our paths. I have been reorganizing the blog and refocusing on finding more constructive ways of approaching the issues that divide us. Then this past week, almost as if by design, I encountered two interesting sources (for which I will provide links) that show how we can defuse... Continue Reading →

Liars Lying

I like the new White House communications director, Anthony "The Mooch" Scaramucci. It's not just because he favors gun control and is against building a wall on our southern border, positions he now officially renounces. I like him because he is personable and entertaining, but also because he is such an outrageous liar. That is,... Continue Reading →

What Is Religious Bigotry?

Listen up, people. It's not often Chiefy admits he was wrong. A short time ago, I responded to a Facebook post about Bernie Sander's "no" vote on a Trump appointee, Russell Vought. The post claimed that Sanders voted as he did because he is biased against Christians, and I disagreed. I defended Sanders' position. Now,... Continue Reading →

More Rearrangement

This is just a note to let my readers know what is going on. As I continue to reorganize the Café, I am moving anything related to religion, mythology and the like to Living Faith-Free with its associated exploration of what it means to live without faith. You can now find the Spacetime, Mother Earth,... Continue Reading →

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